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advantage law 有利規則[在橄欖球等比賽中,一方犯規時裁判可因場上形勢對...


Four aspects are summed up : construction of new plantation production system according to the market ' s demand ; formation of industrial advantage by developing region agriculture , scale management and specialized production level ; change from the direct trade to processing trade of agricultural products ; attaching great importance to barley production , thus promoting the development of feed processing and food industrial . in the fourth chapter , the dissertation poses some necessary measures of the adjustment and escalation of hubei rural industrial structure . it mainly includes : deepening the property right system reform of rural land ; blazing new trails in the system ; reforming the rural science and technology mamgement system ; enhancing macroscopic regulation ; carrying out the cities and towns strategy ; reconstructing the structure of the agricultural development according to the comparative advantage law 第四章,提出了湖北農村產業結構調整升級的配套措施,主要包括:深化農村土地產權制度改革,促進農業生產要素合理流動與優化配置;實行制度創新,促進農村資本市場發育,為農村產業結構調整升級提供資金保證;改革企業科技管理體制,用高新科技改造和武裝農業,為農村產業結構調整升級提供技術支撐;加強宏觀調控力度,為農村產業結構調整升級提供正確導向和有力指導;實施城鎮化戰略,促進農村產業結構整體優化;搞好農業市場定位,按比較優勢原則,重構農業發展格局。